Grant Funding & Donations


Welcome Aboard! This is our grant funding and donation funding section. I am Nick Webster, our Webster's Home Schooling CEO. The greatest donation you can give is a phone call and a letter to the schools you love the most, supporting us academically.

Pre-Grant Consideration is Requested

We are opening a ourselves to public financing via a $1 lifetime donation.
All other donations are gratefully accepted

School Project Peace Mission

Two Areas of Animation Advancement

Our everyday pre-grant donation will go to these areas of animation advancement.

  • "A": Pre-reader — K – 2nd grade. Our A, B, C Vocabulary Identification <> Every page of Division- Time – Compass and "Learning How to Tell Time" can be made into an animated story. As a school, the more pathways a student has towards cognitive objectivity while vocabulary building, the better presence education holds.
  • "B": Graphic Engineering Animation; building blueprints for a 150-foot IFO, via C.A.D.; computer assisted drafting, and animation from the frame up. We navigate a basic analytic code of ratios so the students can interact with a 9-Planet design down to a 3-Planet design; 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 concentric housings plus "Engine Rooms" around the Sun Room or Flight HDQ.

Basic Math Introduction

Our is a basic introduction to math ranging from division to trigonometry. We are all about learning from pre-reader – K - Captain. Our School Project: Our students have a very bold school project in "Flight Evolution". Take a look at our Peace Mission as we help solve for "Unknown Technology" while designing a "Concentric Aircraft" fashioned in the likeness of our very own Earth's orbit around the Sun inside our Milky Way Galaxy.

Join Us on Our Mission

Welcome aboard! Now come join us on a real Space Age Peace Mission as you study the "Rules and Regulations" of "Boating Safety";

The greatest donation you can make may just be a telephone call or letter to the schools you love the most, crediting us academically. 

The purpose of our School Project Peace Mission website is to acquire NASA participation. 

Study Online with Us

Outside there is a worldwide Covid-19 virus pandemic. Thus far, all authorities agree that this virus was born of filth and rot in a meat market of all places, in Wuhan, China. This virus is hazardous and very aggressive. This Corona/Covid-19 virus pandemic is being met head-on. We are staying united in support of our entire USA and World in a miraculously volunteer-filled, organized, and professional manner.

All students, as with all adults, are asked to study at home. No groups of six or greater are to meet until this Covid-19 pandemic is defeated. Come study with us via the internet:


What You Study Here

So, look, get your feet wet with us on the internet. Not everybody wants to study the "Rules and Regulations" of "Boating Safety". But we do! We even study Morse code. We start with pre-readers by "Learning How To Tell Time" in a textbook named "Division – Time – Compass".

We introduce "Trigonometry" in "Advanced Navigation". We know, not everybody is interested in "Boating Safety" at a time like this. But we are earnestly interested in "Boating Safety". Put "Captain" on your resume'.

In the spirit of education, our school project lifts "Flight Evolution" to a new height. Do help high school and college students approach "Unknown Physics" by helping us help program an aeronautical engineering computer with flight probability analysis for the "Research & Development" of "Concentric Aircraft"; pre-programmed and NASA-verified.

Students Always Remember

  • Wash your hands every time you eat and enter your home.
  • Let's defeat that microscopic Covid-19 virus together forever as one.

Webster's Home Schooling, Inc.

To Summarize

Kids need peace plans too. Our youth and we adults need peace plans.

How can you help stop violence in our high schools, places of worship, malls, and highways here in the USA and the World?

  • Help get this Peace Mission program on "Flight Evolution" into our department of education; federal, state, and local, NASA, and Pentagon.
  • Tell your local schools, police departments, senators, congressmen, and congresswomen you want this program.
  • Tell President Joe Biden you want this department of education, NASA, and Pentagon "R&D" project active.
  • All classes, K – Captain, will connect to the same aeronautical engineering computer with flight probability analysis; pre-programmed and NASA verified.

Until such time, study well, think safety, be safe, and stay safe. Teamwork is leadership.

We are developing a concentric aircraft similar to our own Earth's orbit around the Sun.

Let us keep this simple. We are becoming that advanced civilization that we, NASA and the World, have been looking for beyond our Milky Way.

Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionary: Concentric is an adjective meaning having a common center.

"Keep It Simple Sailor"

May the force be with you!
Respectfully yours in Christ @ Sea & @ Home!
Nick Webster

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